Bro. Sigfrid Rosin, C.Ss.R | Vice-Province of Manila

When I was in Highschool, we have a classmate that we described by the name "DOTA GOD" because of his skills in playing this online game. He does not usually talk about his interests, but we immediately caught his character as someone who likes to play based on the experiences we have with him. We may have the same attitude of calling someone by another name depending on our encounter with them, without them telling who they are or what they do in life.

Peter has a firsthand encounter of Jesus, he was with Jesus in doing ministries, miracles, and teachings. We can say that Peter closely experienced Jesus' character and knowledge. When Jesus asked his disciples, Peter acclaimed that he is "the Son of the Living God" he was enabled to name/describe Jesus because of the experience together with Him. Peter witnessed God's revelation through Jesus. However, recognizing Jesus as the Son of Living God was not alone experience rather Peter's strong faith made him realize a God who was with them. Peter's experience of Jesus made him comfortable to the point that he become selfish of not letting Jesus suffer which is according to the plan of God, he became a hindrance to the salvation God intends.

This invites us to be like Peter who sees a Living God in our different experiences, may it be in the apostolates, academics, or community. However, it needs faith to see the different faces of Jesus, in our encounter with different people and situations. We are enabled to name Jesus and see through our encounters as faith-experience. However, the problem comes when our human limitations tend to block us in recognizing Jesus. Our experiences may also become our comfort which makes it difficult for us to face Jesus in various experiences.

When I studied theology, I thought it was a good way to name Jesus. However, things became more complicated when it comes to faith.

I realized that faith does not only come from understanding theology but also through the feelings of the heart. It allowed me to explore new encounters of Jesus through the community I am with and by being affectionate to others.

Faith-experience like Peter draws us to name Jesus and recognize a revelation of God. Our strong faith brings us to experience our daily lives as something meaningful, something we can always describe that God is with us even to the hardest challenges we might encounter. In our faith-experiences we also become channels of God's saving act. Let not our weaknesses block the grace that God intends for us.

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