Big thanks to Megan, Scott and Ed from Truthzilla for having me on their podcast. You can check out their other episodes on multiple podcasting platforms as well as at Bitchute, Rumble and elsewhere. We talked about the Cleveland Street Scandal, Finders Cult and several other topics from Pedogate Primer: the politics of pedophilia. Despite lack of sleep from the pain of the spinal injury putting me a bit off my game (lots of "you knows" and "umms" and a few spots where I almost lost my golden thread in the middle of a sentence) a lot of ground was covered including a few bits that haven't been mentioned in the other episodes.

As always, you can find any of my previous interviews from other podcasts and radio shows in the  interview section. You can get your copy of Pedogate Primer: the politcs of pedophilia for Kindle and it is free to read instantly with a Kindle Unlimited subscription. You can also pick up the paperback from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target and Powell's Books and a few other shops worldwide including Australia, Taiwan and Poland. The audiobook, narrated by myself, was also just released at If you'd like a review copy of the audiobook, contact me through the contact form or email at and I'll send you a promo code.