MANILA, July 2 -- As the labor market continues on an upswing following the gradual resumption of economic activities, the Department of Labor and Employment announced today a call for 1,500 workers for a manufacturing company based in Laguna.

Engr. Renato B. Almeda, vice president of Yazaki-Torres Manufacturing Inc. (YTMI), approached Labor Assistant Secretary and Concurrent Bureau of Local Employment Director Dominique Rubia-Tutay for the Department's assistance in finding additional manpower to support the firm's current operations. The company is the largest wiring harness manufacturer in the Philippines and is the country's top exporter of automotive parts.

The PEZA Outstanding Employer Hall of Fame and Presidential Outstanding Healthy Workplace awardee company hopes that by tapping the Department's network and reach, the opportunity could be brought to Filipino jobseekers adversely affected by the pandemic.

The Department welcomed the request and commended YTMI for its initiative.

"This is just the kind of collaboration we at DOLE believe is crucial for our country's continuous recovery," Secretary Bello said. "We need to see more partnerships between the government and the private sector for the labor market to continue to flourish and for unemployment to persist on a downward trend."

This is in line with the main thrust of the National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS) Task Force, which the Department co-chairs. The inter-agency task force is committed to a 'whole-of-society' approach towards employment recovery.

Last week, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed an executive order adopting the NERS and mandating the task force to oversee its implementation. Following its release, the Task Force immediately took action, priming the launch of a partnership project that will bring one million jobs to the market.

Reform, Rebound, Recover: One Million Jobs for 2021 brings together key government agencies with leading business groups in the creation of one million jobs in the construction, manufacturing (particularly semiconductors and electronics), tourism and hospitality, and export industries.

DOLE leads the project on the government side, together with the Employers' Confederation of the Philippines for the private sector.

"With the launch of 'Reform, Rebound, Recover', the public can expect more calls for job applicants such as this from the Department," Asec. Rubia-Tutay declared. "DOLE and the NERS Task Force are steadfastly working to ensure the safe progress of the improving jobs market."

Jobseekers who wish to apply for the YTMI vacancies may send their resume indicating their Messenger account and contact details to 'YTMI Hiring' on Messenger or via email to or (DOLE)

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