Cagayan de Oro – "Power comes with authority and with it comes greater responsibility. Now that you have already occupied that position, we demand an excellent level of responsibility and accomplishment," thus said Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Secretary Brother John Castriciones to the eighty-three (83) newly-appointed DAR employees in Northern Mindanao who just took their oath before him.

"You now have greater power and authority, and you should be able to perform your job well. By serving the poor farmers, definitely, you have fulfilled your genuine service to the community," he said.

Brother John earlier signed their appointment papers on June 27, 2021, assuring the other DAR personnel that he would go around the country to supervise the appointment and evaluation of all applicants.

DAR Secretary Brother John Castriciones gives his inspirational message during the oath-taking ceremony.

"You were given new positions to help us in implementing our mandate. We will intensify our services to boost the lives of the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs)," he said.

Castriciones advised them that they should do their best because that is the real essence of success. "We succeed in life when we truly serve the public and the people."

Support Services Office Undersecretary Emily Padilla said that public office is a public trust.  Employees should always be accountable to their tasks and must put the farmers first in order to deliver social justice.

"To all government officials and employees, remember the four-letter acronym ASAL, you must, at all times, be A-ccountable to the people, S-erve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, A-ct with patriotism and justice and L-ead modest lives.

"If we put these four letters in our minds, we will not go wrong during our entire tenure in government," she added.

Policy, Planning and Research Office Undersecretary Virginia Orogo said she is very happy that the persons who deserve to be promoted are finally recognized. Some of them are serving the government for years and it is only now that they are given the opportunity to be promoted.

DAR-Northern Mindanao regional director Zoraida O. Macadindang pointed out that the personnel are selected after passing the qualifications set by the governing law.

Newly hired Agrarian Reform Program Officer I for Bukidnon Abonor M. Macadindang took his oath before DAR Secretary in Cagayan de Oro City

She warmly welcomed and congratulated the 83 employees who finally took their Oath of Office as newly promoted and appointed personnel of DAR Northern Mindanao.

Macadindang said 55 employees are newly promoted and 28 are new appointees. The new appointees are not new to the DAR Northern Mindanao as they have served under a contract of service (COS) for years under the regular programs and special funded projects of the DAR.

"We commit to work efficiently under our new posts and work harmoniously with all the DAR workforce and support the management to the highest level. Our gratitude to all the people who made it possible for us to be standing here in front of you all," said newly promoted Municipal Agrarian Reform Program Officer Honey Grace Gica Caspe of Lanao del Norte, who has served the DAR for 16 years.

Newly hired Agrarian Reform Program Officer I for Bukidnon Abonor M. Macadindang, who has served the Department for four years as Monitoring and Evaluation/Knowledge Management Specialist said "Being newly appointed Agrarian Reform Program Officer I is a privilege, and I will continue to learn and improve my skills. It is a pleasure to be able to serve and support the members of the agrarian reform beneficiaries' organizations, especially our agrarian reform beneficiaries." (DAR)

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