
Andrea Montero is a beauty queen and model from Costa Rica. Here are 13 more things about her:

  1. She hails from Limón, Costa Rica.
  2. She loves visual arts.
  3. She is training at the Universidad de Costa Rica in San José, San Pedro, Costa Rica to become a professional English teacher.
  4. While attending the University of Costa Rica, she is also studying business administration at the Tecnológico de Costa Rica in Cartago, Costa Rica.
  5. She was a member of Costa Rica's national Karate-do team.
  6. She was one of the Costa Rican athletes who participated in the Consejo del Istmo Centroamericano de Deportes y Recreación (CODICADER) in Belize in July 2016.
  7. She is the founder of the nonprofit organization Inspiring Kids.
  8. She serves as an ambassador for the nongovernment organization Hunger Organization for People Everywhere and the modeling agency The One- Artist Agency.
  9. On January 26, 2020, she was crowned Señorita Mundo Limón 2020.
  10. On October 15, 2020, she was crowned Señorita Mundo Costa Rica 2020.
  11. She was 19 years old when she won Señorita Mundo Costa Rica 2020.
  12. On July 1, 2021, she visited the University for Peace in Ciudad Colón, Costa Rica.
  13. If she wins Miss World 2021 at the Coca-Cola Music Hall in San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 16, 2021, she will be the first ever Miss World from Costa Rica.

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