Analysis and Opinion

By Joe America

A conspiracy arises when we have only a part of the picture and so invent the rest of it, then find other believers who, by the weight of their agreement, legitimize and defend it. If the picture is Monet or graffiti, no worries, it's ours.

One current conspiracy theory among DDS is that Joe America is Edwin Lacierda or Abigail Valte. I guess they've figured out that MLQ3 and I have wholly different styles and have drifted away from that one.

The fictions we live have been around a long time. Miguel de Cervantes published Don Quixote in 1605. The protagonist was a lot like today's social media denizens but the medium was different. The Don read so many romance stories that he became unable to discern truth from fiction. He lost his mind, not unlike DDS. But at least he had his honor intact.

  • About a third of America believes Joe Biden stole the last election from Donald Trump.
  • Anti-vaxxers tell stories of tracking chips in the vaccines and people getting magnetized with forks sticking to their foreheads.
  • And of course America filmed the moon landings in Hollywood.

In the Philippines, National Government pumps out so much propaganda that we know absolutely nothing for sure, other than that Government pumps out a lot of propaganda. Social media is conspiracy media, people making up stuff on the fly and living their lives accordingly.

The Philippines is a nation that operates with conspiracy advocates as leaders, troll armies pumping out manipulative untruths, and people believing in all manner of superstition.

It's legitimately lunatic. A nation completely unhinged. There is no framework allowing good deeds to prosper. The good intent exists but it is overwhelmed by the liars and gameplayers and citizens living voodoo lives.

I rummaged around to see why conspiracy lunatics are so prominent, over sense and truth. Here's a thumbnail sketch:


"According to a 2018 study, people who believe in conspiracy theories tend to show personality traits and characteristics such as:

  • paranoid or suspicious thinking
  • eccentricity
  • low trust in others
  • stronger need to feel special 
  • belief in the world as a dangerous place
  • seeing meaningful patterns where none exist

The strongest predictor of belief in conspiracy theories, according to the study, is having a personality that falls into the spectrum of schizotypy."



Then I came across this book:

The book describes how dysfunctional social media have become and suggests ways to reclaim sanity. I've not read it yet, but it's next on my list after Detective Harry Bosch gets out of his current predicament.

If people who comment on my blog find me getting a little short with them, they might want to read the book, too, and figure out how to return their own thinkings and writing to the path of sense and civility. Diversions, generalizing from anecdotes, mistaking one's own argument for fact . . . reading and reciting from conspiracy sources and rejecting critical views. This is the stuff we wade through these days in the guise of intelligence.

It's not intelligence. It is self-deceit.

I'm convinced we must do better or see debate collapse into a dysfunctional morass of lies and hostility. It is sand, quicksand. We must search out the rocks and build there.


Photo source: Royal Museums Greenwich