Horaries not only give us as straightforward answers to practical questions but also provides an insight into the metaphysical such as the meaning of dreams. I have used William Lilly's "Of Dreams, whether they signify anything or not." as a reference. There are two cases - One is a question from a former colleague (Is this a bad omen?) and the second is from me (Is this prophetic?). Here, we will explore what these dreams are about using astrology as a tool for interpretation.

Judgment According to William Lilly

  1. The Ninth House and the planets in it. If there are planets, we should note if these are the benefics or malefics. It is also important to look into the presence of the Nodes. We then check into the houses the planets in the Ninth House rule to get an impression of what the dream is all about.
  2. If the Ninth House is empty, look into the Midheaven. If there are no planets in the Tenth House, look into the other angles. Empty angles warrants looking into other houses in this order: The Third, Second, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Eleventh, or Twelfth.
  3. To know if the dream will have an influence on the querent is if the planet in the ninth squares or opposes the lord of the ascendant. We judge the dream having an influence in certain topics if the planet in the ninth aspects the ruler of the topic's corresponding house.
  4. The aspect of benefics to the ruler of the Ascendant suggests nothing will happen ill. With the malefics, judge otherwise.

Case No. 1: Is this dream a bad omen?

The Dream: The querent reached out to me asking about a dream bothering her everytime she remembers it. In her dream, she was in the seaside watching the school of small fish. Out of curiosity, she got a handful and suddenly the fishes were getting under skin. Below is the chart of the question cast on June 28, 2021, 9:13 am, Philippine Standard Time.

Figure 1: Is this dream a bad omen?


The Ascendant is in the last degree of Leo and I was tentative in judging the chart. Next, I checked the chart for radicality. It is Mars' hour. Mars is a fiery planet and Leo is a fiery sign, so there is harmony between the Ascendant and the hour of the question by triplicity. I have decided to proceed in interpreting the chart.

If we do not consider the outer planets, the Ninth House is empty. I looked into the Tenth House, and saw Gemini with its ruler, Mercury, powerful in his domicile. Retrograde Jupiter is also in the angular Seventh House. Interestingly, the Sun, the lord of the ascendant has separated from retrograde Jupiter in Pisces showing the dream about the fishes. Jupiter as a benevolent planet and the Moon not applying to any of the malefics suggests no ills will befall upon the querent. Jupiter receiving the Sun in the sign of his exaltation is another testimony of no harm. It's dispositor, the Moon, has already separated from the malefics. The Moon in the Sixth House and Mercury, as the last planet the Moon separated from, in the Tenth House, rather shows her worry or her vexations on issues related to Mercury.


I have relayed to the querent that the dream may have appeared because she may be worried about something but also stated nothing really bad will befall upon her. After I shared my judgment, she relayed that she is worried about employment and this was on her mind all the time. Looking back in the chart, Mercury in the Tenth House and the Moon in the Sixth House perhaps showed she is indeed thinking about work related concerns all along.

Case No. 2: Is the calamity dream prophetic?

The Dream: It was raining but not windy. I was standing in an unknown beach with the people I do not know. The sea was raging with waves looking unusually tall. Suddenly, the sea receded and quickly thought of it as a mega tsunami. I, together with a few people decided to run for safety while many remained watching the spectacle. Having realized that this was a dream, I awoke. Below is the chart of the question cast on July 9, 2021, 12:44 am, Philippine Standard Time.

Figure 2: Is this dream prophetic?

Initial Impression

There is harmony between the planetary hour and the Ascendant by triplicity because it is the Moon's hour with Taurus Rising in a nocturnal chart. Similar to the first case, we look into the Ninth House and see that it is empty. In the angles, we see retrograde Saturn powerful in the tenth, and Venus with Mars in the Fourth. With him as the lord of the Ninth House is a testimony suggesting of the dream's prophetic nature. Venus, the lady of the ascendant is in the Fourth House separating from Saturn and applying a conjunction to Mars portended the disturbing dream. Mars as the ruler of the Seventh and Twelfth House shows the potentially dangerous waves. Looking into the Moon, as my co-significator, we see her in the watery Cancer applying a trine to retrograde Jupiter in watery Pisces suggesting of the receding sea.

The Testimony of the Twelfth Parts

I will be looking into the testimonies of twelfth parts to see synchronicities and to further validate my judgment. Below is the Twelfth Part Chart of the question.

Figure 3: The Twelfth Parts (Orange and Outer Wheel)

Al-Kindi suggested in looking into the the twelfth part of the Ascendant to get an impression of the querent's motivation for asking. The chart shows the Ascendant's twelfth part conjunct the Fourth House cusp. Interestingly, the twelfth part of the Fourth House cusp is conjunct the radical Venus. Mars' twelfth part is in the radical Midheaven with the lord of the radical Ninth House, Saturn. The twelfth parts of the Ascendant, the Fourth House, and Mars shows my question about the calamity. The twelfth part of Venus with the twelfth part of the Sun in the radical Ninth House portends its prophetic quality.

Final Impression

Last month, I have dreamt of a tsunami, and this is why I have decided to cast a chart to see if it is a warning. While time can only tell on whether this warning dream will come to pass, the testimonies of the radical chart and the twelfth parts supports of its quality as being prophetic.

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