Francine Ann Martinez
Francine Ann Martinez

Francine Ann Martinez is a resident of Colorado, United States. Here are 10 more things about her:

  1. She lives in Denver, Colorado. (a)
  2. Aside from Denver, she has lived in other parts of Colorado including Aurora and Westminster. (a)
  3. She is 5'4" tall. (b)
  4. Her registered weight is 170 lbs. (b)
  5. In 2015, she joined the Aurora Police Department (APD). (c)
  6. In 2017, she administered Narcan to an overdose victim. She received a Life Saving Award for it. (d)
  7. On July 23, 2021, he and his fellow APD officer John Haubert, then 39, were sent to investigate a trespassing report on South Parker Road in Aurora and encountered Calvin Stevenson, then 45, Anthony Sano, then 41, and Kyle Maurice Vinson, then 29, who each had an outstanding felony warrant out of Denver, Colorado. He and Martinez arrested Vinson while Stevenson and Sano ran away. She did not intervene when Haubert physically attacked Vinson during the arrest. (b)
  8. She was 40 years old when she and Haubert arrested Vinson on July 23, 2021. (a) (b)
  9. On July 26, 2021, arrest warrants were issued for her and Haubert stemming from them arresting Vinson on July 23, 2021. She was charged with  failing to intervene and report use of force. (b)
  10. She is the first officer the APD has publicly accused of violating its new duty to intervene policy. (d)


(This is a developing story. More details will be added.)


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