I was recently asked by someone if HOW DO I HANDLE STRESS. I'm not sure if my answer made sense or I was just blabbering stuff. 😅

I started telling her something I always tell anyone. Stress is anywhere. Whatever you do or wherever you go, there will always be stress.

Even how you love your job, once in a while you will feel stressed. From the people around you, from your complicated tasks, and if you are dealing with clients, from your clients' demands.

Even drivers have their own kind of stress. From traffic, from demanding passengers, from broken car.

Even people who are just at home have their own kind of stress. From their never ending chores, from their noisy neighbors and even from doing nothing.

Even my nephew who loved to watch YouTube videos all day has his own stress. From sometimes internet connections issue, from brown out, from loading videos or from losing in some games.

Even those who love to travel have their own stress. From delayed flights, from the hassle in the airport, from big luggage, from inconsiderate seatmate, from language barrier, from scammers.

These are just some. Even how you love what you do, you can still get stressed. But what I added to my first statement was "what's important is that it is a good stress". A stress that is worth it. A stress that will still make you happy." Isn't it what's important?

So to answer her questions, here are some of my stress relievers. In no particular order. 😉

Do we have the same stress relievers? Each person has different stressor. Or maybe at some point, you can have similarity like for example, your colleague. But the level of stress each of you gets from that same stressor is different. And the stress reliever also varies to each person. My stress relievers might not work for you. And yours might not work for me. To some it is just a small thing. Stress may be a small thing. But for others, it could cause them anxiety.

So it is best to find a way to handle it. For me, the summary or general solution is TO FIND A DIVERSION. Divert your attention to something else and distance yourself from what is causing you the stress. Just remember, that you need to FEEL BETTER. ♡

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