"Just like the clay in the potter's hand,
so are you in my hand…."

Jeremiah 18: 1-7 (NSV)

We are like clay in the hands of the Lord. The Lord constantly molds us in our life, like a potter. Looking back into my journey in life, I discerned that most of the pains (if not all) that I experienced were the Lord's way of molding me. Yes, there were moments that I did not understand the (painful) experience; there were moments that the (painful) experience did not make sense. I felt that the Lord was punishing me. I felt that the Lord was so unfair.

Unbeknownst to me, it was my ego that clouded my perspective.
I did not notice God's presence, disguise as the Potter. I did not notice God's way of molding me to become His magnificent masterpiece.

          I could not fathom how the Lord was molding me. I questioned why I have to go through it. I did not see it as a necessary process. Perhaps,  I am deeply invested with my own trouble. Controlling everything in my life became a habit as if I am the only person who can repair everything that needs fixing. Unbeknownst to me,  it was my ego that clouded my perspective. I did not notice God's presence, disguise as the Potter. I did not notice God's way of molding me to become His magnificent masterpiece.

          The more I  failed to notice God, the more that He pursued me. He continuously pours His grace in my life. Eventually, it became clear that the experience of being molded by God is precisely hurtful. I realized that my "hurting" experiences… were apparently my personal life lessons. Those were the moments when I was the clay and the Potter was reconstructing, restyling, and reshaping me.

          God's act of molding me hurts, but something has changed in me. His masterplan is always being realized in His perfect time. So, when the Potter was done making me, the transformation was meaningful and relevant. It hurts! The process hurts, but I have become a more understanding person. It hurts, but I become open to see and share the pain of others. It hurts, but I become less judgmental of others. It hurts, but I have become more open to God's invitation in my life.  A total change of heart!

But I have been designed and equipped already by the Potter through those past challenges. I find it now easy to endure pain, thus overcome it. I am comforted by the idea that He is at work.

          Currently, we are in the season full of uncertainties. I admit pain has its way of resurfacing and sometimes it tends to linger for a moment. But I have been designed and equipped already by the Potter through those past challenges. I find it now easy to endure pain, thus overcome it. I am comforted by the idea that He is at work.

the painful experiences in our life is God's way of molding us to become more like Him, become more loving like Him, and become more compassionate like Him.

          As the famous saying goes, "no pain, no gain." The same truth holds our painful experiences – at first glance, it seems that God is punishing us. However, looking deeper and seeing with the eyes of faith – the painful experiences in our life is God's way of molding us to become more like Him, become more loving like Him, and become more compassionate like Him.

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