The NPA as the genuine people's army fights against the US-Duterte regime's National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict that aims to destroy the revolutionary movement in the entire country within his term.

The NPA as the people's army fights for the interests especially of the peasants and workers. In terms of land, how the peasants can own land through free land distribution. The NPA also helps them in improving their economic conditions by actually participating in farming with the peasants and maintaining peace and order by solving contradictions between the people. Also part of the NPA's tasks is to launch medical missions and treat illnesses through herbal medicine and accupuncture.

The efforts of the Duterte regime to destroy the mass base caused considerable devastation to the farmers especially the indigenous peoples (tumandoks) in the countryside. They are victims of human rights violations when, during the pandemic, they need help in their economic situation. But instead, in combat operations, they experience bombings and violations of human rights.

The difference between the NPA and AFP

The NPA is very different from the AFP. The AFP receive regular salaries from government coffers, people's taxes but in return they do not serve rather they inflict harm on the people. Meanwhile, the NPA does everything to improve the living conditions of the people, their health, literacy and their security.

Particularly in Negros, the five guerrilla fronts continue to expand [its territory] and deepen its link to the masses. It cannot be denied that the enemy's combat operations have caused harm here in Negros. But this does not mean that they have decimated two guerrilla fronts in Negros. The truth is, as I already mentioned, the support of the people for armed struggle continue to broaden and deepen.

The Apolinario Gatmaitan Command, with the wholehearted support of the people, confidently continues to develop, expand and strengthen the five guerrilla fronts in Negros and possibly establish more.

Due to serious abuse of human rights not only here in the countryside but also in the cities and town centers, there have been an increasing number of victims of red-tagging. Red-tagging is linked to harassment up to killings.

To those who have been red-tagged and are victims of human rights violations, the NPA welcomes all those who aspire to go to the countryside to help in strengthening and building of the mass base, increasing the red fighters and launching anti-feudal campaigns. Your talents are needed in the armed struggle until we achieve victory. ###

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