Justice and public trust are not a PR stunts. No amount of vaunted internal cleansing schemes or resolution of backloads of criminal cases by the Philippine National Police could stop the Filipino people from making Duterte, and the fascist AFP-PNP pay for their crimes against humanity. Under the banner of Oplan Kapanatagan, the PNP's anti-criminality campaign have ironically resulted in one of the bloodiest State-sponsored manslaughter campaigns in the country's history. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians have been extrajudicially killed either from dubious tokhang and joint military and police operations, mistaken identities or misencounters.Instead, justice is a clamor the Filipino people fights and struggles for. They know that so long as this semifeudal and semicolonial society persists, no degree of internal cleansing would change the rotten institution of this state's mercenary forces. Only through waging a just revolutionary war can they end the system that had spouted this regime's state terrorism.

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