Crisis is a breeding ground of opportunities, highlighting the need to innovate and discard boring norms. This pandemic is a perfect example. Before the pandemic, stock assessment of fisheries resources has almost zero presence - capsulize in weak science and policies based on almost no science. Mere opinions and mythical orations proliferated and even published.

Then the pandemic strike. The National Stock Assessment encoders/analysts in the regions realized an opportunity for them to grow science-wise is being offered and the lag presented by draconian lockdowns is perfect chance for them to shine.

Its been more than a year since, many of them have gained confidence and data are at least analyzed albeit using data-limited methods.

Room for improvement is huge and there is an opportunity to fill that gaping gap - a big hole that needs filling up soon by those with good unselfish intentions. But who will?

Crossing my fingers that it will be some group with the heart of proliferating good science and not just self-promotion. Hoping and wishing.

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