The school year 2020-2021 was a time of experimentations, adjustments, and all things new. You spent the first few months of the year finding the best platform for online classes. You learned how to maximize your phones to submit your schoolwork. Amidst the technological changes, you had to transform your bedroom into an extension of your classroom.  

Now, before you can fully wrap your head around the changes, you are yet again entering a new year of online learning. Unlike last year, you are more familiar with how things go. But, to get the most out of the new exciting chapter in your academic life, it's best to add a few tricks up your sleeves.  

  1. Dress up for online classes 

Even if you're not physically going to school, dressing up appropriately from top to bottom can set the mood for learning as it helps separate sleep and study time.  

Before joining your class, get out of your comfy pajamas or sleepwear and put on something that will not only make you presentable on screen but will also make you feel like you're really attending class. 

  1. Update your learning apps 

Learning tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Google Classroom often update their applications to introduce new features, enhance security, and make them more conducive for their users. For a smooth-sailing class, it's your assignment to make sure your apps are up-to-date to use new features and to avoid crashing in the middle of the class. 

  1. Take time to write down notes 

Yes, taking screenshots of important discussion points is a quick fix. But, after a day of multiple classes, your screenshots will most likely be jumbled with one another. So, be wiser and more organized this school year.  

Just like what you did before online classes were the norm, have a notebook for each subject and write down important notes. With this, it will be easier to review when you have quizzes and exams. 

  1. Find a technique that helps you focus 

Focusing at home can be tricky, but it is totally doable! All you have to do is find a technique that suits you. Some gain focus by sticking to a routine or schedule. Others find it easy to lock their attention when their designated study area is organized. There are also some who get in the zone by listening to music.  

There are plenty of tricks to try! Don't be afraid to try different ones until you find one that works best for you. 

  1. Learn when to push, when to slow down 

As you enter a new school year, create a study-play routine and try to stick to it.  You have to find a balance between striving hard and taking healthy breaks to avoid feeling demotivated and burning out. 

During online class hours, give your full attention to the discussion or activity. When it's break time, do your best to do non-academic-related activities to refresh your mind — perhaps, you can grab a snack and stretch. It's great to dedicate a few hours of your weekend to after-school learning activities to hone your skills, be advanced and prepared for what's to come. However, see to it that more hours of your weekends are spent to recharge your energy. 

Online classes are one of the best learning avenues that will help you develop your skills in the new normal. While it is still uncertain when you can go back to the fun, old times, go ahead and equip yourself with tricks that will help you have the best online school year of your life. 

Just remember to take it easy this time. Take your much-deserved break and spend summertime bettering yourself.