One time I got upset with my seven-year-old nephew because he was so stubborn. I told him not to use my cellphone while it is charging. But he did not listen to me, and the next thing I saw was my cellphone lying on the floor with a broken screen protector. I got angry and hit his hands and told him not to touch my cellphone again. He was just looking at me and on the verge of crying without saying anything. After few minutes, my nephew sheepishly approached me and humbly said, "Sorry po Tito Eric" (I'm sorry, Uncle Eric). I immediately kissed him and said it was fine, and explained to him the reason I hit him on his hands, and after our conversation he promised not to do it again. After that, I still allowed him to play with my phone for as long as he asks for my permission.

In today's Gospel, Jesus welcomes the children, blesses them and proclaims that the Kingdom of God belongs to them. Jesus also teaches us to look after those whom we consider little and unimportant in the society. The Gospel challenges me to become more childlike—to be meek and humble. I realized that as I grew older, I failed to live in the spirit of humility and kindness. Often, I find it hard to forgive others or to ask for forgiveness. The Gospel invites me to have the heart of a child, and like my nephew—to be humble in accepting mistakes and asking for forgiveness. It also prepares me in my future ministry that I may have a heart that is always willing to help other people, especially the least in the eyes of the world.

By: Sem. Ericson Y. Austria

Today's Gospel

Mt 19:13-15

Children were brought to Jesus
that he might lay his hands on them and pray.
The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said,
"Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them;
for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
After he placed his hands on them, he went away.