I am trying to fast once a week.

It's usually every Friday because I though it'd be fun to call it Friday Fasting or Fast and Friday. Yeah, I those are awful names right? But I like it and that's what's important. LOL!

It's Friday once again and I'm at it again.

As I was fasting and was deliriously hungry last week, I thought of the following tips:

  1. Don't do your fast on Friday. Because it's the start of the weekend, there are some socialization going on and it would be hard to resist food and company. At least for me, that's the truth.
  2. Extend that to THE REST OF THE WEEKEND. Don't fast when you're with friends on a Friday, or with family on a Sunday. One time, I forgot to fast on a Friday and slid the schedule to a Saturday. It was doubly hard because one, it's out of my habit to do it on a Saturday. So the things that I usually do on a Saturday which involves going out sometimes to eat or working out needed to be suspended that day because I wasn't sure if I could do it. I need my usual Friday routine for my fasting to work. And with that said...
  3. Choose a "convenient" day and build a new routine or habit that would work for fasting. Since I find it inconvenient to do during the weekends, I must do some adjustments on my new chosen day for fasting.

So what could be the new day for my fasting. Fonday Fasting? Fuesday Fasting? Fednesday Fasting? Fhurstday Fasting? They don't sound right.

I Choose to Fast Tuesday? Maybe????

My fasting is anchored on a sacrifice that I am doing alongside with praying for this...well, it's something personal. I must figure out my next move before the next week rolls in so I can mentally and spiritual prepare. God, help me.

Please, somebody, help me.:)

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