Why not?

T'was in 2014, you were with our (perceived) nemesis org but you never really let it stand in the way of you being near us, near me. Why not? You and I, we are not tied to what the orgs may have against each other. Or at least what was perceived as they had against each other.

Why not?

T'was in the next few years where we had connections around survey, yeah, those time consuming surveys but we still did them. For the community, eh? So we did them anyways. Why not, right?

What about the time you travelled all the way to QC so we can see a movie. Why not, right? I certainly wouldn't do that for you, because I'm built that way, selfish- right? Why not? We all deserve to be who and what we are. And you knew that.

Why not?

A life insurance (PEP5) plan in 2016. Did you finish that? Unlikely because you have been through a lot. But why not? You wanted to have one and you got one! Why not? The next years were all about the advocacy, and again, why the fuck not? We were bound by the advocacy. The occasional whats and whys of the (then) proposed amendments for the HIV law.

The call for help to assist people in need, meds, labs, milk -- all geared towards putting the spotlight to others in need.


You were transparent about what you were going through. The world knows not because you were shameless, but because you wanted the world to learn-- and be educated-- about what you're going through. So they may apply what they learn, and in turn inspire others along the way.

And Why not?

The early morning messages because you woke up in the middle of the night or at dawn, to say hi. And I don't mind. Never did.

But I never thought we were close. Because we spent more than half of our time in the advocacy. Most chats were about others. I don't even know your favorite food!

Then why the hell does it hurt having lost you?

Why does it seem like a chunk of the community suddenly broke down, shattered, evaporated?

Why was I in tears knowing that there won't be out of the blue hellos.

Selfless. Through all the lows that you went through, you were there for others.

That is why people ought to remember you.

That is why are never an off-tangent to the advocacy.

While a few of us went to lobby for the new HIV law,

you remained on the ground to take care of our kids.

And why not, JJ.


And I....

We are going to miss you.

Why not?

You left us too soon.

And I look forward to seeing you ....

soon enough, J

Soon enough.

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