Joshua Charles Spriestersbach (©Vedanta Dumas-Griffith via AP)
Joshua Charles Spriestersbach (©Vedanta Dumas-Griffith via AP)

Joshua Charles Spriestersbach is a resident of Vermont, United States. Here are 13 more things about him:

  1. He is two years older than his sister Vedanta Aura Dumas-Griffith. They live in Vermont. (a) (b) (c)
  2. He has lived in different parts of California, USA including Los Banos and Sacramento. (b)
  3. He previously lived in Eugene, Oregon, USA. (b)
  4. He previously lived in Reno, Nevada, USA. (b)
  5. He previously lived in Hilo, Hawaii, USA. (b)
  6. In 2003, he moved to Hawaii with Griffith when her her husband was stationed on Oahu, Hawaii with the U.S. Army. He later disappeared while suffering mental health issues. (a)
  7. He had never met Thomas R. Castleberry, who was imprisoned in Alaska, USA in 2016. (a)
  8. One day in 2017, while he was houseless and hungry, he fell asleep on a sidewalk after waiting in a long line for food outside a shelter in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was awakened and arrested by a police officer who mistook him for Castleberry, who had an arrest warrant for violating probation in a 2006 drug case. (a)
  9. After his false arrest in 2017, he was committed to the Hawaii State Hospital although he protested that he was not Castleberry, which nobody believed except one hospital psychiatrist who contacted a detective. After fingerprints and photographs were verified by the detective, officials quietly released him from state custody in January 2020. (a)
  10. After his release in January 2020, he was forced to reenter a homeless shelter, which contacted his family, then lived in Griffith's house in Vermont. (a)
  11. On April 12, 2020, he enjoyed a birthday cake in Danby, Vermont. (a)
  12. On August 2, 2021, the Hawaii Innocence Project said he was wrongfully arrested for someone else's crime and then committed to a state hospital for more than two years because officials mixed him up with someone else. (a)
  13. He was 50 years old when a petition was filed in court on August 2, 2021, asking a judge to vacate the arrest and correct his records. (a)



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