I'm sharing another article that presents a quantification of Such articles and studies are gaining interest as cycling or biking becomes a popular choice for many seeking an alternative to their usual or former modes of transport. It helps that there are many initiatives promoting active transport in general and cycling/biking in particular.

Wilson, K. (July 23, 2021) "Study: Bike Share Saves the U.S. $36 Million Public Health Dollars Every Year," StreetsBlog USA, https://usa.streetsblog.org/2021/07/23/study-bike-share-saves-the-u-s-36-million-public-health-dollars-every-year/

While the article is about bike share, the conclusions can be extended to cycling/biking in general. The article points to at least 3 major areas where benefits can be derived: safety, air pollution (reduction) and physical activity. To quote:

"I think the message to cities is that bike share — and biking in general, though that's harder to quantify in the way we do in this study — can contribute a lot to their long term goals,... Most cities want to improve quality of life, the economy, the climate, and their public health outcomes. Bike share does all those things."
