"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill

This statement of Winston Churchill, the great British leader, is well illustrated in the past and present of this country. That is why with every problem of our country, we have a parade of elected and appointive leaders who say that that the problem is insoluble. Concrete examples of this is – graft and corruption, illegal drugs, poverty, inequality, limited freedom and injustice. They say the problems are insoluble because they are engrained in our culture.
Of course claims of insolubility of these problems are bald lies. The claims are the inventions of oppressors, oligarchs, ignoramuses and exploiters who furtively delight in the misery of our people. Their happiness over peoples' misery is well defined by this edited line of a famous song – crying in the outside, laughing in the inside cuz I made fools out of you."
Our people should stop swallowing this line about insolubility. To quote the great Napoleon Bonaparte, "The word impossible is found only in the dictionary of fools." My humble contribution to this subject is this line – The impossible is only in the mind.

Misinformation and disinformation: These quotations from Churchill and Bonaparte are good jumping points to the problem of the corona pandemic. These quotes give us insight into how to solve the problems created by the corona pandemic.
Let us first tackle the issue of vaccination. The government wants everyone vaccinated. Millions of people here and almost everywhere in the world don't want to be vaccinated. Why? It is primarily due to disinformation and misinformation. And let us enumerate a number which until this minute remains in Facebook, Youtube and other internet providers: 1) It is not a virus but bacteria, citing the Ministries of Health of Italy and Russia; 2) Vaccination will cause complications that could lead to death; 3) Many people who got vaccinated were still infected which caused their death; 4) Two years after vaccination, your immune system will weaken resulting to death or if you don't die, you'll become a zombie; 5 The pandemic is a hoax and there is really no need to be vaccinated; 6) Vaccination is designed to reduce the population of the Earth; 7) Vaccination nothing but an effort on part of pharmaceuticals to enrich themselves at the expense of the people; and 8) Vaccination will result later to the placement into your body of a microchip which could control human behavior.
The disinformation or misinformation is absurd but millions of people in the world believe them. That's how people are – they believe what they hear and what they see, especially if it supports their fear of vaccination.

Task: To accelerate the vaccination of the population, the government should effectively combat these pieces of misinformation and disinformation. How? The government should fact check them – go to the source of information asking the provider that carries the perceived misinformation or disinformation to do the same and take down the erroneous information; and inform the public about the clarification.

Lack of information: The government floods us with a lot of information – how many died, how many are still sick, how many are infected within the day throughout the country, where there is a surge, where there is a lockdown, and how to get vaccinated. But where are the vaccines? There is a lot of red tape before one can be vaccinated.
While information of this kind is good for government agencies, media, monitoring institutions in business and academe, they are not that important to the ordinary citizen like me. What are necessary are the following kinds of information which we need:

  1. What is the most effective and cheapest medicine used to cure a corona virus infection as shown by the thousands who got cured?
    1a. Where is it available and how much?
  2. What is the most effective treatment?
    2a. Where is it available and how much?
  3. My helpers say that in Bukidnon some of their relatives got cured by using the TUOB treatment – inhaling steam from hot water laced with salt. The cure happened after a day or two.
    3a. Friend of mine from Mambajao, Camiguin and Cebu City, Raul Corrales, also says that TUOB is used by some people for treatment of the corona virus.
    3b. A Filipina nurse in California used the same TUOB treatment and she also recovered after a day or two.
  4. A nephew of mine from Catarman, Camiguin, Spartacus Abing, reported to me a few days that he, his wife and one of his sons were infected with corona virus. They only used a Chinese herbal medicine taken three times a day after each meal coupled with the TUOB treatment. And they recovered fast. When I asked him whether he is vaccinated, he said, "Why, we defeated corona virus without vaccination?"
    4a. I also got the same kind of medicine from my friend, Wilson Ganipan.
  5. What are the other medicines used by those who recovered from the disease, and they number hundreds of thousand?
    5a. Where can they be secured and for how much?
  6. What are the other effective treatments used by those who recovered from the disease?
    6a.Where and how can these treatments be secured?
  7. Is it true that are complications resulting from vaccinations?
    7a.If so, what are these and are they curable?
    7b.What are the cures for these complications; how cheap; and where can they be secured?
  8. Define in a detailed manner how the original corona virus is transmitted and how the transmission can be prevented and why?
    8a. Specify in a detailed manner how the Delta Variant is transmitted.
    8b. Why is the Delta Variant more deadly than the original corona virus?
    8c. Are all brands of vaccines effective against the corona virus?
  9. Is it true that persons who are fully vaccinated can infect those who have not been vaccinated?
  10. Why are face shields prescribed for us when other countries do not prescribe them?
  11. What is reason why in America CDC requires the use of mask even in residences?
    The answers to these questions are the needed information for the citizen to be well informed. Knowing the answers to all these questions will allay the fears of the deadly virus. Instead of Duque and Vergeire of DOH, Galvez and the IATF blabbering on matters that do not interest the citizens, they should answer these questions for the enlightenment of the citizen and to drive away fears that are eating their vitals with every passing. The answers they should distribute to all mainstream and social media outlets. Incompetence: The pandemic has been handled incompetently throughout the world except in few countries like – New Zealand, Vietnam, Cuba, China and possibly Germany. New Zealand and Germany have methodical brilliant women leaders – Jacinda Anders and Angela Merkel. The other three are leaders of the Left – a doctor in Vietnam, Communist leaders of Cuba and Communist China
    The most outstanding in the handling of the pandemic is President Xi Jinping of Communist China. That country created the corona virus. The spread of the virus has been managed effectively by Xi consistent with his desire for world domination. The corona virus killed millions throughout the world, infected tens of millions of people, destroyed the lives of hundred of millions and devastated the economies of all countries in the world except Communist China – the creator of the corona virus and the pandemic!
    As a brilliant force of evil –you have to give it to Xi Jinping!
    In the Philippines, we have our own force of evil and incompetence headed by President Duterte and his government minus the brilliance of Xi. Both incompetence and evil did not show at the beginning of Duterte's term. As a matter of fact, President Duterte showed a lot of promise upon assumption of office – his painting of dreams of eliminating illegal drugs and graft and corruption in six months, amending or revising the Constitution, installing a parliamentary and federal system, organizing a revolutionary government to have vital changes, having an independent foreign policy and bettering the lives of Filipinos.
    All promises failed and the paintings are not of oils but plasters of clay that totally vanished when the storms came. So you cannot expect from President Duterte an effective handing of the pandemic. He is a failed and incompetent President – a perfect example of what Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said, "A Man who assumes the presidency and does not know how to be President in his first day of office will never learn till the end of his term."
    That's why in his pandemic team, he has surrounded himself with an incompetent Secretary of Health and an incompetent IATF. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.
    Coming from Mindanao as President Duterte and I am a native Mindanaoan, all I can say with a lot of dismay - What a waste!

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