
Hi! It's been a while since my last Sunday Currently entry! Nothing's really been going on lately. I'm the same person as I am six months ago. Nothing much has changed except probably from my increasing weight. Hehe. A week ago I posted about my COVID-19 experience, which pretty much sums up the 2nd quarter of my 2021. Sadly, I think it's the most interesting happening for me this year. I had travel plans: I was supposed to go to Boracay last July, Baguio this August (might move to September) and CDO in September (unsure when to reschedule or if rescheduling is available). The Boracay travel was planned and booked last year for my birthday, but then COVID-19 happened and Community Quarantine has been imposed ever since. It was cancelled, rescheduled and rebooked a hundred times. When Boracay opened its doors for local tourists, it's the right time to go until I had COVID-19. Although I'm already cleared from COVID-19 at the time of the flight, my body hasn't fully recuperated pushing me to choose to let go of my plane tickets and other reservations. My friends continued with the trip. This is the 3rd plane ticket I threw because I was sick!

On the other hand, the Baguio trip which was supposed to be last weekend was rescheduled on September because AGAIN, Enhanced Community Quarantine was implemented. Then the CDO trip seems impossible right now because they're not accepting tourists yet.


Nothing. I tried to get back on that track but I don't know if I just can't find anything interesting to read or I'm just held up with the TV series I'm watching that I don't have spare time to read. Haha. Well, this is a good reminder for me to try harder again.


My 2nd Sunday Currently entry for the year. I missed those times when I was able to post something here at least on a monthly basis, but that was when life's still noteworthy. Now, it's all work-home-work, rants, wishing COVID-19 would vanish in thin air and everything gets back to normal just like that. People in other countries wouldn't understand. #OnlyInThePhilippinesAnd4Others


To my Old Happy Soul playlist; consisting of pop songs in the '80s and '90s. I don't know why I'm more into old songs right now than the new releases (except BTS' and other fave artists). I used to be so hyped for new songs but now I find myself listening to songs older than me. Certainly, I have an old soul.


About my future. I know we don't have an idea when exactly the pandemic ends. The present is as uncertain as the future. It just suddenly hits me that that I want to achieve something though I can't think through what it is. All I know is I want to achieve something. Maybe I missed the grind and exhilarating feeling of getting something for myself that adds value in my life. Not just monthly reports, going to work daily or scrolling on the next TV series to watch. I'm getting that feeling that I'm a little bit stuck, which is so dreadful. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful and contented with what I have in my life now but... it's tiring, I guess. Maybe I'm not used to stay long in the same place doing the same things. Still trying to figure that out.


My skin that's fresh from the bath before the smell runs out. Haha.


For the pandemic to end before everyone of us does. 😂 Wishing for things to change for the better: personally, country-wide or even worldwide. I know I have always been asking for this but that's what everyone aspires, right?


I could post another blog, and finish some customizations here. I've made a few changes on the theme, again, because I got used to the previous one and found it lame. Anyway, blog editing is a continuous process for me. I can never get enough of it specially when additional features or designs are available.


White printed V-neck shirt we once used in a family reunion and yellow checkered above the knee length shorts.


Grey's Anatomy. I'm currently binge-watching the show and on season 10 out of 17. I got tired of watching Friends for the nth time so I scrolled in Netflix, and that's what I found. I only tried watching the first episode then the next thing I know I finished Season 1 in a day! I am so in love with Patrick Dempsey! Being McDreamy fits him so well. His chemistry with Ellen Pompeo is something to die for. Hahaha.

Oh, that piercing blue eyes! 😍

But I hate he's character when he's being McBastard.

Before watching it I thought it's purely dramatic and medical stuffs, then I looked into Google and found it true.

I feel you, Mer. 😥

It's fun to watch until a character either leaves or dies!!! When I started watching it I sort of had regrets on why I didn't watched it earlier but now that everyone either leaves or dies I regret even starting it. Haha. I'm now fully attached with characters that there's no turning back. I always look into the episodes of what will happen next because I won't ever be ready for when a major character dies! I even have to re-watch from Season 1 to 3 again to brace myself for Season 8.


Affinitea's Oreo cheesecake, TFTG's Choco malt with creampuffs or Coco's Salty cream milk tea. I haven't had milk tea in a while so I'm craving for one right now. It's my comfort drink aside from coffee.


Some advice on how to prepare for when Derek Shepherd (Dempsey) dies on Grey's because I'm near that episode and I don't know if I can handle it.


Okay. Fine. Just trying to survive from day in to day out kind of fine. Tomorrow's a holiday which gives me an extra day to rest and watch Grey's. Yeeey! Though I also have to brace myself for the upcoming month-end. Bummer! September is just around the corner which also means Christmas Season and Year End were fast approaching. It's always been my favorite season but so many things comes with it as well.

I hope all of us gets a great week ahead! XOXO

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