It takes about 21 days to build a habit, and for the past couple of months, I've been adding more on my list. I focused on building a morning routine which I think is now part of my system.

As I go through this journey of continuously building habits, I find myself in a flowy state. The feeling of accomplishment as I tick of each task in my to-do list.

Why did I focus on the morning part? It's how I'd like to set the tone and pace of my day. Manage what I can control, my energy. It makes me happy when I know I've done everything I need to do in the first part of my day and enjoy a cup of tea, with a book and my playlist in the background.

My morning routine looks like this:

  1. Wake up and fix my bed
  2. Do all the face stuff
  3. Drink my supergreens
  4. Feed the cats and clean their litter
  5. Walk the dogs and clean their paws
  6. Journal
  7. Breakfast over a podcast
  8. Read a few pages from the books on my list

As much as possible, I avoid checking my socials or emails after waking up or anywhere between the routine, otherwise I would stay glued to my phone and let a whole hour pass by.

During these extraordinary times, I would rather do the things that make my soul happy, which mostly means staying organized, learning new things and enjoying my own space. I simply cannot afford to indulge in the fear and chaos. I cannot afford to be stressed nor anxious. This is a privilege that I will always be grateful for and will fully utilize.

Having this system, first thing in the morning, grounds me and keeps me calm. My form of meditation.

Habits take time and consistency, when you put in the work, you will get your results. How do you start your day?

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