Caleb Jesse Chapman is a resident of Washington, United States. Here are 10 more things about him:

  1. He lives in Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. Aside from Port Angeles, he has lived in other parts of Washington including Kingston. Stanwood, Tacoma, Everett and Arlington. (a)(b)(c)
  2. He has lived in different parts of Idaho, USA including Hayden and Orofino. (b)(c)
  3. In 2001, he lived in Tacoma. (c)
  4. In 2002, he lived in Everett. (c)
  5. In 2007, he moved to Arlington. (c)
  6. In 2010, he moved to Marietta, Georgia, USA. (c)
  7. From 2011 to 2018, he lived in Stanwood, Washington. He also lived in Hayden in 2012, in Marietta from 2012 to 2013 and in Kingston in 2014. (c)
  8. On August 29, 2021, wearing a tactical vest and armed with an assault-style rifle, a shotgun and several handguns, he allegedly assaulted his girlfriend at Olympic National Park on Olympic Peninsula in Washington and ranted about an imminent revolution that would start within the next 30 days in Texas, USA and on the Olympic Peninsula. He surrendered and was arrested in the evening. (a)
  9. He was 41 years old when he was arrested on August 29, 2021. (a)
  10. On September 1, 2021, he was booked into was booked into the Clallam County Jail in Port Angeles. A federal complaint accusing him of assault by striking, beating or wounding was filed in U.S. District Court in Tacoma. He made his appearance in federal court in Tacoma. (a)


(This is a developing story. More details will be added.)


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