There is something to be said about doing a reset. Not your router, not your phone, or any of your gadgets. It's you and your body. It's taking a pause to either, start over, reflect, detoxify, recalibrate, or simply gather yourself and your thoughts.

It's only now that I realize I've been doing a lot of "resets" the past few months. And it's only now that I've fully understood that I don't need external validation to do resets or have to show it to anyone. (This isn't schoolwork)

My type of reset has made me pay more attention to my health and strength. I refer to confidence and courage in trying new things, stepping outside my comfort zone, when I talk about strength. I find myself overjoyed whenever I get to accomplish a milestone, whether it be big or small.

There are too many visual cues on social media, that I honestly find challenging to ignore. This is how I learned to mute, unfollow and block. Some say you don't have to do any of those three things, you just need discipline. But the thing is, whatever works for someone doesn't necessarily mean it will work for everyone, even if you say 8 out of your 10 friends followed your advice and it worked for them. So my method requires "detoxifying" and distancing from people or topics irl or online.

I know (and still learning) myself best, and for me to build this discipline, I must build the habit first. The habit of continuing on with my life without the noise, finding other means to invest my energy in and attention to.

My process involves stillness and action… and finding the balance between the two.

This is how I reset myself. Not once, not twice, but many times over. And that is okay.

I may or may not be in one now. 😉

How do you do your "reset"?

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