QUEZON CITY -- The Civil Service Commission (CSC) deferred the conduct of the Fire Office Examination (FOE), Penology Officer Examination (POE), and Basic Competency on Local Treasury Examination (BCLTE) scheduled on 10 October.

In its advisory, the CSC said that the decision is in light of the still unstable situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The total number of affected examinees nationwide is at 13,930.
The FOE and POE are civil service examinations resulting in a second level eligibility. Passers of the FOE are conferred the Fire Officer Eligibility, which is specific and appropriate for second level ranks in the fire protection service and other functionally related services. Passers of the POE are conferred the Penology Officer Eligibility, which is specific and appropriate for second level ranks in the jail management and penology and other functionally related services. The appropriateness of these eligibilities does not include ranks under the Philippine National Police.
Meanwhile, the BCLTE is part of the Standardized Examination and Assessment for Local Treasury Service Program of the Department of Finance. The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the BCLTE is called Local Treasurer Eligibility. It is a second level eligibility, which is only appropriate for appointment to Local Treasurer and Assistant Local Treasurer positions, and to positions under the Financial Services that do not require practice of profession and are not covered by Bar/Board or special laws. (CSC)

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