Caleb McGillvary, better known as Kai the Hitchhiker, needs your help. Kai was accused of killing the alleged rapist who he purports drugged him. Former lawyer, John Galfy, had a history of picking up drifters and for whatever reason his brother, a former sherriff, was allowed to visit the crime scene during which time evidence of Kai being drugged disappeared when cups were run through a washing machine. For whatever reason, the fact that the alleged rapist died with blood and semen on his genitals doesn't enter most mainstream reports of the case.

During the investigation phase police also refused to run a rape kit on Kai. They did however run a rape kit on the deceased, the alleged rapist himself. This allowed them to do a quick bait and switch with prosecution saying they did indeed run a rape kit which came back inconclusive with no signs of rape. In New Jersey, not only is lethal force authorized to prevent a rape in progress but refusing a rape victim services such as running a rape kit is a crime.

As it turns out there were multiple crimes committed during the investigation, detention and the trial itself. Once again, for whatever reasons these details don't appear in most mainstream news coverage. Ample eviidence of all these facts and more are available via the documents released in discovery related to the investigation, interviews with witnesses, crime scene photos and other hard facts.

At this point, Kai is in the midst of an appeal but is hoping to improve his chances of successful certiorari priorati by way of having amicus briefs filed on his behalf. You can help by signing the petition at

For more background on this case, check out my previous reporting and stay tuned as this case is still in development and should be sharing some exclusive scoops related to the story very soon.