For the past months, the seminary has experienced a turn of events. The COVID-19 virus hit us like a fire. We were all caught unawares by this virus slipping in amidst tight protocols that it affected members of our community. Steps were made to combat this virus, and thank God we were able to survive and overcome its threats. Most of our community activities halted for a while to prevent the spread of the virus. Those who were tested positive were immediately isolated from those who had no symptoms. Protocols were strictly observed for the safety of everyone. Even though such a situation occurred, those tested negative were still allowed to physically gather only for the most essential part of the day---the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Private recitations of the Liturgy of the Hours and a schedule for meals were also observed. It was up to us as formands how we live out our identity and be faithful as priests-in-process. This time of solitude gave me time to reflect on God's providence. In this regard, the Gospel reminds me that those who follow and observe the Word of God are blessed (cf. Luke 11:28). This situation in the seminary made me realize to not only care for myself but also for my fellow brothers and sisters in the community. We are one family called together and desiring to follow Christ. The Gospel teaches that to become part of the family of Jesus is not about bloodlines. It is about seeking Him, being obedient to His will, and putting the words we heard from Him into practice.

By: Sem. Peter Collin C. Crisostomo

Today's Gospel

Lk 11:27-28

While Jesus was speaking,
a woman from the crowd called out and said to him,
"Blessed is the womb that carried you
and the breasts at which you nursed."
He replied, "Rather, blessed are those
who hear the word of God and observe it."