I was deleting files when I came across this interesting and straightforward horary case. As I looked at the chart, I got curious about its Part of Dismissal. In this blog, we will revisit the case and see if it supports the original judgment.


Two years ago, there was an investment craze that lured many, as it promised, extremely high and fast returns. The hype caught the attention of the government, where, upon further investigation, found the company operating illegally. Government agencies issued warnings to return the money or else there will be a crackdown. The querent has already invested and asked me if the company will permanently close, and if so, will he get the money back? Below is the chart cast on June 14, 2019, at 1:02 pm here in Davao City, Philippines.

Original Judgment

The accidental significator of the querent is the Ascendant and its ruler, and the natural significator is the Moon and her dispositor. Here, we consider Company KP as the partner, so it is the Seventh House and its ruler. The Second House and its ruler will signify the querent's money.

The chart is radical because we see Libra Rising in the hour of Venus. Venus rules the Ascendant and the Eighth House, showing the relationship between the querent and the company's finances. In the same way, Mars rules the querent's finance and the partner. With the company seeking investors, these house connections make sense. Venus in the Eighth House shows the querent's angst on the company's financial status. Mercury in aversion to Venus suggests its uncertainty.

We now look at the Moon and its dispositor. The Moon is conjunct the Second House and is in mutual reception with its ruler, Mars. Although the Moon applies a trine to Mars, Mercury prohibits the perfection of this aspect. Mercury here rules the Ninth House of Laws and the Twelfth House of Losses. Mercury prohibiting the Moon suggests the querent will have trouble getting his money back because of the laws blocking it. Perhaps, with Mercury as the significator of losses, the money could be gone for good. The aversion of Venus and Mars is another testimony supporting the loss.

Regarding the company's closure, our attention will now be on Mars as the ruler of the Seventh House, with Aries on the cusp. We see him in Cancer, the sign of his fall. It is noteworthy that Cancer is on the Tenth House cusp and with its ruler, the Moon, are the accidental significators of the government. The Moon aspecting Mars by trine shows the company is under the government's watch. Cancer is the turned Fourth House from the Seventh House and with Mars fallen in this house is an unfortunate testimony because it suggests capture and ending.

Mars opposes Saturn. This opposition is with negative reception because Mars is in the sign of Saturn's detriment. The hard aspect with negative reception combined with Saturn as the ruler of the radical Fourth House of endings augurs closure.

From these gathered testimonies, I have judged it as unfortunate for the querent and informed him he has to be ready with the loss.

Using the Arabic Part of Dismissal

We will now look into the testimony from the Lot of Dismissal. We calculate this Arabic part with the formula Saturn + Jupiter - Sun. The result is 15°07' Cancer and is conjunct Mercury and Mars in Cancer in the Tenth House. The Lot of Dismissal conjunct the significator of Company KP is a testimony supporting closure. Its dispositor, the Moon, is in the sign of her fall in Scorpio and trines Mercury, the ruler of the Ninth and Twelfth House, suggesting its quick crackdown because authorities will judge it as illegal.


In July 2019, the government issued a cease and desist on the company and of other companies that have the same business model. Their operations came to a halt, and all of their assets were frozen. The events that transpired reflected the conjunction of the Part of Dismissal with Mars. The freezing of assets shows the Mars-Saturn opposition with negative reception. Sadly, the company could not reimburse and the querent lost his money. We can see this with Mercury prohibiting the Moon in its application to Mars. The aversion of Venus and Mars also portended the event.

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