It's already been a year that Kamille had the allergies. Thinking that it was an ordinary allergy (red spot on legs) that will be cure in one prescriptions.

Finally decided to go to Dermatologist when the itchiness was frequent.
After the check up with the prescription medicines there were changes but to WORST!

Kamille can't walk as the allergies go worst, many times been to doctors (Dermatologist and Medicine) and twice was delivered to emergency room

June 22,2014 on the right picture allergies were spread from legs to arms. With pains like pulling her skin. From desperate act, mother did even go to quack doctor just Kamille to be healed but unfortunately definitely a wrong decision. Never changes anything.

Searching from internet, where Kamille's Mom found the posting of c24/7. And from there she bought a box even it's late at night.

June 23- first day of drinking of C24/7
June 24- rashes hold its number
June 25- spots were fading
June 26- fever and the spots fading more
June 27- asthma triggers but the spots are fewer
June 28- fever gone and spots totally gone too

(She has a history in asthma when she was a little and the asthma didn't go worst and its on healing process too)

In a week time c24/7 healed the allergies of Kamille and she's back to normal and out of danger.

C24/7 is a cellular supplements and it has the 100% requirements of a human body have to take in a day with full of antioxidants and nutrition!

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