The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas (NDF-EV) exposed as a "surrender racketing scheme" the 802nd Infantry Brigade's news hype that 3,000 members of the New People's Army (NPA) in Leyte and Biliran provinces have already surrendered.

"The rapid escalation of 802nd IBde's "surrenderer" figures shows the AFP's desperate rush to squeeze more profit from their surrender campaign racket. The last quarter of the year is their last-ditch attempt to disburse within their discretion what is left of their unjustifiably huge 2021 budget and impress their fascist master with inflated 'surrenderer' numbers to secure greater military support for 2022," NDF-EV said.

It is a matter of fact that the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) of the AFP is a milking cow of Duterte's military accomplices who chase after cash rewards and merits through fake surrenderers. The more the body count, the merrier for the pockets of the racketeer generals.

"They salivate over kickbacks from E-CLIP and other counterinsurgency funds so much that they forgot how to count: While they downplay the NPA's strength in the region as 'a few hundreds left,' they brag about the thousands of NPA 'surrenderers.' How on can thousands surrender out of a few hundreds?

For all we know, majority of these "surrenderers" are innocent civilians who were told to attend town meetings, were promised relief goods, were coerced or fooled into participating their staged rallies, or members of progressive groups such as People Surge.

"This is totally reprehensible and foul. This forms part of the fascist Duterte regime's long-running attempt to malign, discredit, and stigmatize as 'terrorists' these progressive forces and people's organizations. War criminals in the AFP trample on rules distinguishing civilians from combatants as upheld by the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, just to fit civilians to their mass surrender publicity stunt."

The NDF-EV warned that the AFP's surrender hype is a psywar operation aimed towards demoralizing the people from fighting Duterte's war of terror and his fascist attempts to perpetuate himself in power beyond 2022.

"Ultimately, military agents in the region bloat figures, stage fake surrenderees, and resort to spin and manipulation to hide their frustration in 'containing' the revolutionary movement in the region before 2022. Unfortunately for the AFP, the people's war remains alive and enjoys intensive and extensive support from their deepening and widening mass base in the region," NDF-EV ended.

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