Message of NDF-Negros on the celebration of the 53rd anniversary of the CPP

The revolutionary forces, with allies and friends, in Negros, jubilantly celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today. When the CPP was reestablished on December 26, 1968, ideologically, politically and organizationally geared to lead the revolutionary armed struggle in the Philippines, hope kindled in the hearts of the Filipino masses. Finally, revolutionary proletarians were at the helm, leading the unfinished Philippine revolution and taking it to another epoch of world history.

Today, the Filipino people is in a crucial turning point where the true villains of their lives in the last five decades, the Marcoses, Dutertes, Arroyos and Estradas, connive to galvanize their power to further plunder the country and squeeze the Filipino people to death. The Filipino masses are very much aware that no other can lead the people's resistance against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism but the advanced detachment of the Filipino proletariat, the CPP.

As such, the ruling class represented by the Duterte clique is hellbent on destroying the Party, the main hurdle to consolidating its bureaucrat capitalist power and ensuring its survival after June 2022. Unwittingly, it has generated an unprecedented political, social and economic crisis that shows the people the necessity of the people's democratic revolution.

On the 53rd anniversary of the CPP, the conditions are ripe for the heightening of the protracted people's war. Rabid enemy attacks and vicious disinformation are signs of the enemy's impending downfall. While it is true that the revolutionary movement in Negros has suffered setbacks and has mourned martyred Party cadres, Red commanders and fighters, and revolutionary forces who bravely sacrificed their lives this year, it has not succumbed to enemy onslaught, instead, propelled by the inspiration from its martyrs and heroes and the justness of people's war, it is ever determined to push forward and defeat the enemy.

The anniversary of the CPP each year marks as well the wealth of accumulated victories and lessons the revolutionary movement has gained through the years. In this critical time, the Filipino people rally behind the CPP marching forward towards the victory of the national democratic revolution.

Celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the CPP!
Strengthen the ranks of revolutionary forces!
Overcome the enemy's rabid onslaught and march forward toward victory!
Long live the CPP-NPA-NDF!

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