We've all been at the helm of looking at others and thinking, "Wow, I wish I was as great as them." And to this day, I'm sure a lot of us still feel this way. We want to be as talented as our friends in varsity teams and student councils. We want to be as bright as our DL block mates. We want to be as gifted from the on-set as that one cousin our parents cannot stop comparing us to (cue Perfect by Simple Plan). We don't think about the growth mindset and what makes us limit ourselves into that box.

As much as we want to girlboss our way through life, we also need to girl, calm down because comparing ourselves to others will never do us any favors. When I look back, I think about how many times I've been plagued by an inferiority complex over people who, in my lens, are better than me. I've caught myself dwelling on questions of "Why can't I be like that? Why couldn't things come naturally to me?" But, upon thinking about it, why have I also put a limitation on my own abilities? 

A mindset is a funny thing. You can either feed it with stuff that makes you sabotage every chance you get. Or… You can learn to develop into — not the 'perfect' version that society makes us believe — but someone that gets better every day and welcomes growth whenever they can. And that's where growth mindsets come into play.

What is a Growth Mindset?

For describing a growth mindset, this shows a GIF of a girl saying:

The concept of a growth mindset comes from the book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dwec. Here, we find out that there is power in our most basic beliefs to our day-to-day outcomes in life. These mindsets shape how we make sense of the world and ourselves. It holds something over us, gives us limitations, and allows us room to grow. So, it's not just our view of ourselves that affects our path to succeeding; it's also how we view and interact with the world around us.

This brings us to the two types of mindsets: Fixed and growth mindset. A fixed mindset assumes that our intelligence, character, and creative ability are innate to us. It says that you play with the hand you're dealt with, and you have to accept that it will be like that for the rest of your life. So, this type of mindset basically argues that abilities are set in stone. From when we were born, we had a fixed set of skills and abilities that stay with us throughout our lives despite the hard work we put in to prove otherwise. This, making it pretty limiting for a person. And we all know that isn't the case.

Meanwhile, a growth mindset believes that your essential qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. It says things like talent, skills, knowledge, and the things you can develop, despite the challenges and failures you may face. It's not an all-encompassing positive mindset that could admittedly turn toxic. But it's a mindset that aims to build character, motivates you to move around, and helps you manifest your goals in life. When people believe they can do it, they understand the effort needed to make them better. And with extra time and hard work, it helps them gain higher achievement. So, instead of just accepting the cards given to you, it says that we have other options in the deck to grow and change. In fact, the hand you're dealt with is only the start. 

It doesn't necessarily mean that a growth mindset = success. Or that this kind of mindset will magically give you the results you want as the tips and tricks on the interweb make it out to be. But, it's about how the way you view things profoundly affects the way you lead your life. We as people change all the time, and we never just stay in one place. So, this way, a growth mindset can help determine the person you want to be and help you accomplish the things you hold value. 

And let's face it, life is a little more complex than a fixed mindset sets it out to be!

Developing a Growth Mindset

Although we should go for a growth mindset, sometimes we unconsciously lean towards a fixed mindset. Maybe it's out of our insecurities and self-doubt? Or perhaps it's out of seeing others better than us? Either way, we all need to grow out of that stiff point of view, or else it'll leave us stuck in limbo!

So, we need to challenge ourselves to build a growth mindset. It may seem impossible to get out of that funk. But, trust me! By taking baby steps, we can all learn to gain a growth mindset, and here's how:

Embrace imperfection

We all grew up with the concept of "perfection." We were given medals for first place, gold stars for correct answers, and a pat on the back for doing the right thing. When really, the idea of being perfect doesn't exist! We all have our flaws, and we all make mistakes. In truth, if you think you're lost, know that everyone else is just as lost as you! So, embrace that part of yourself and be willing to make many mistakes because all of those little quirks and even the big mess-ups make you human. Self-love, always and in all ways!

Face challenges head-on

Every challenge is scary at first glance. But, things are never really as scary as your head overthinks it to be! So, instead of looking at things as a challenge, consider them an opportunity to learn and gain new experiences. Press forward and persist without thinking too hard about the result. And before you know it, you'd have already faced your fears and probably gained new perspectives in the process.

Stop looking to others

It's so easy to compare to others. And a lot of the time, I still fall victim to thinking my peers are leaving me behind. When really, we all go through different paces in life! Your journey will always be different from another person's because we all have varying circumstances and paths in life. Learn to trust yourself in every decision you make! And if you still fail, who cares! You're the only person you need to impress because it's YOUR journey. You're the main character of your life. No one can tell you otherwise.

Redefine your purpose

Ultimately, it's really a matter of shifting perspective. Often, we find ourselves putting up goals with unrealistic standards or timelines. We aim for the goal of 100% when that's impossible for just about anyone! Instead, go at your own pace, make your results less of a focus, enjoy the journey, and start cultivating a sense of purpose! Find something that drives you and motivates you to live your life as you want. And let that be your guide for your growth mindset.

We need a growth mindset to go through life. The GIF shows words alternating from

We all know it's not an easy task to gain a growth mindset. But, like the lessons it imparts, everything requires practice and experience, even in gaining the mindset in the first place. The concept of success vs. failure shouldn't hinder you from going for the things you want. And being so caught up in the results shouldn't be what makes up your entire journey. Start your journey how you want to and what applies to you the most. Do things with your best effort because it simply makes you live a happier life and helps you become a better person. And if you end up achieving the goals you set out, then that's great! 

To quote from the anime, Haikyuu!!, "I am built upon the small things I do every day, and the end results are no more than a byproduct."

Art Header by Inna Cruz