Pat yourself on the back for making it through the year!
From eating your favorite snacks while watching Squid Game, crying out to the 10-minute version of All Too Well, or to reading all the fun stuff at, it just goes to show that this year was anything but uneventful.
But, before we officially say "buh-bye" to 2021, look back and review the Top EDK campaigns that we love this year!
Follow Your Vote ft. YouthLed
Did you get registered to vote but now you're stumped and not sure what to do next? Or are you looking to become a more involved citizen? Don't worry, we got you covered!
The Follow Your Vote campaign focused on all the things that you should know during the voting process: from knowing how to be a registered voter to why you should go out of your way to cast your vote and become an involved citizen. We even got Ben&Ben to join us in a livestream to know more about the ins and outs of voting, with expert advice from people at YouthLed!
As the time to elect new people into office gets closer and closer, knowing all about the value of your vote becomes more important!
Are you ready for the 2022 Elections? Take this quest to know if you're 101% ready!
Turn You On ft. Villgro, Reachhealth, and Tiffany
It's 2021! Learning all about sex starting with discovering your body, prioritizing your health, and embracing your identity should be the norm and never be considered taboo.
The Turn You On campaign is a safe space to become well-informed and well-aware when it comes to reproductive health because knowledge is what? POWER!
There is nothing wrong with exploring and being curious because it's all part of growing up. What's wrong is being disrespectful and not asking for consent which is one of the most important things to know before doing the deed.
Did you have fun testing your sex-ed knowledge by answering Edukasyon's Sex-Ed Pop Quiz? Or did you learn more about yourself and sex-ed by peeping through our blogs and resources on sex education?
If you missed these out, don't worry! You can still check them out here!
#BFF Movement ft. Forest Foundation Philippines
Advocating for the forests and wildlife to become a steward of the environment is an important thing we should all do as citizens of this planet. This year, the Best Friends of the Forest Movement helped us become just that!
The #BFF Movement is a community of action-oriented youth who advocate for forest protection! Filled with fun learning activities, tree-planting events, and assemblies with peers and co-advocates, being part of the forest conservation #BFFs sounds so cool, doesn't it?
College students of any program who passed the initial screening had the chance to be an official BFF and participated in the fellowship program! From there, they received mentorship from forest conservation experts through a series of workshops! They also got to collaborate with different BFFs in different parts of the country and showcase their work!
FOMO? Don't fret. Your journey towards becoming a forest conservation advocate won't be a lonely one because we're here to guide you every step of the way! Be a BFF now!
Raise Her Voc ft. Investing in Women
Being a woman is tough. Having to go through and experience different types of biases, norms, and stereotypes makes it difficult to live and work. Despite making strides of improvement, the world still has a long way to go when it comes to achieving true gender equality.
Raise Her Voc talks about the challenges women go through everyday within the tech voc industry and how we, as a society, can change that narrative! From tackling how women can tell their parents about studying a tech voc course to how we can effect change in the tech voc industry, Raise Her Voc emphasizes that women are capable of anything!
Missed out on this campaign? No worries! Find out here how you can help in the future of tech voc!
#PinkHeroes ft. Pfizer Philippines Foundation
Whatever your gender is, everyone should look after their breasts!
The #PinkHeroes campaign promoted and advocated for Breast Cancer Awareness. Learning how to properly take care of your breasts is a huge step towards preventing breast cancer and knowing the early signs and symptoms makes it easier to beat!
One of the many things that current technology offers is better healthcare. Though men and women have been afflicted with breast cancer through the course of time, we've only recently managed to talk about it in recent decades. Back then, it was an unspeakable condition because of the stigma surrounding cancer as an incurable disease.
Ms. Giselle Arroyo, a breast cancer survivor, talked about battling breast cancer and how important it is to have monthly breast self-examinations! Indeed, the "Big C" is now a Beatable C!
Wanna take the step towards taking care of your breasts? Take this quest to learn how!
Though we will be saying goodbye to 2021 soon, our goal towards making articles and leading campaigns towards bringing out the best in you and your student life will stick around for many more years to come!
Sign up and create a FREE account at to not miss out on the amazing things we have in store for you this 2022!
Art Header by Inna Cruz
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