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129 rescued from Helena off Romblon
By J.Lo
SOME 129 passengers and crewmembers of roll-on roll-off vessel ran aground in waters off Romblon has been rescued by team from Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).
PCG spokesman Rear Admiral Armand Balilo said 93 passengers and 36 crewmembers of motor vessel Maria Helena were transferred to lifeboat at around 3 in the morning.
Aside from PCG team, personnel of other boats that were in the area helped passengers and crewmembers transfer to life boat.
Passengers and crewmembers were brought to nearby Barangay Nasunugan in Banton town, where they underwent medical check-up.
Everyone was found to be in good condition, PCG said.
Rescue team arrived at the scene of accident located 100 meters away from shore of village at around 1 in the morning.
Only Helena's captain and quartermaster remained onboard to monitor vessel.
Helena, owned by Montenegro Shipping, was headed to Port of San Agustin in Tablas, Romblon from Lucena City, Quezon province.
Aside from passengers, vessel was also carrying 16 rolling cargoes.
PCG station in Romblon received information about incident from certain Christian Vergara, whose relatives and friends were on board Helena.
Elmo Sumocol, skipper of Helena, told PCG tire of one of rolling cargoes exploded.
Explosion destroyed ropes secured cargoes, detached from their positions, causing vessel to list.
Sumocol said sea was calm and there were no signs of cracks or holes in ship's hull.
Vessel has approximately 21,000 liters of fuel left.
PCG's marine environmental protection group is preparing to respond in case oil spill occurs.
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