There is a shock reverberating in the Philippine political scenario with the resignation of Vice President Sara Duterte from her cabinet post. From that, the querent asked if the resignation of the Vice President (from her cabinet posts) and the arrest of the former president will cause a political instability resulting in civil war? For better context, the Vice President is a very popular one, as she has the record with the most votes in the entire Philippine election history and the polls showing she is the most trusted and highest performing government official; hence, actions taken against her by (former) contemporaries will probably create an uproar among the people. Aside from the VP's resignation as a cabinet member, another situation that will lead to civil war as a very possible scenario is the arrest (by the ICC) of the former president (the VP's father). Below is the chart upon receiving the question.
DISCLAIMER: All the views expressed on this blog article are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity that I am currently or will be affiliated with. This post is also not for the faint-hearted, as it may contain interpretations that may trigger anxiety. The author denies any responsibility and cannot be held accountable for any damages that may arise from reading this article.
Will There Be A Civil War?
- The Ascendant and its ruler as accidental the significator of the populace.
- The Moon and its ruler as the natural significator of the populace.
Aquarius is rising in the hour of the Moon upon receiving the question. It is noteworthy that the planetary hour reflects the question about the sentiments and actions of the populace relative to the current political situation. The Ascendant is descriptive of the question and gives us a glimpse of the judgment about the inquiry. From the testimony of the Ascendant, we will hear protests from the populace with Aquarius as a humane (social, rational, and vocal) sign.
The testimonies from the angles do not look good as we see peregrine Saturn in the Ascendant (showing the populace's lack of security or certainty), the essentially debilitated Moon in her fall in Scorpio conjunct the tenth house cusp (showing the suffering of the common people and its discontent to the government) and Jupiter (the accidental significator of the government) in the sign of his detriment in Gemini in the fourth house (the inability to act effectively).
Our attention is now on Saturn, as the lord of the Ascendant. Saturn's placement in the mute and double-bodied sign of Pisces shows the current "silence" and polarizing views of the populace regarding the issue; however, we should note that its dispositor, Jupiter, is also is in the vocal and double-bodied sign of Gemini and will apply to it by square with a one-sided reception. The upcoming square of Jupiter (in a humane and double-bodied sign and as the accidental significator of the government) receiving Saturn in his nocturnal domicile suggests the actions of the government will create disputes (with Jupiter in the sign of his detriment) "breaking" the silence of the populace; since both planets are in double-bodied signs and with mixed receptions (if we consider Saturn's diurnal triplicity rulership in Gemini), we will hear uncontrollable protests that are both in favor of or in disagreement with the government's actions.
The Moon is the natural significator of the populace and we see it in the last degree of Scorpio. Similar to Saturn, the Moon is in a mute sign showing the current relative silence of the populace; however, the Moon will leave the sign for Sagittarius, where the first half of it is a humane (social, vocal, and rational) sign. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius, it will also oppose Jupiter with another one-sided reception, where he receives the Moon in his diurnal domicile. While Jupiter receives the Moon, it cannot help the Moon effectively because of its essential debility; as a result, there will still be a growing discontentment among the populace. The Moon's contact by opposition with Jupiter (both in vocal signs) is another testimony showing protests in disagreement because of the questionable actions or pronouncements of the government (this reflects once more Jupiter in the sign of his detriment).
Saturn and the Moon's contact with Jupiter suggest we could see massive protests relative to the decisions and actions of the government.
How about on the possibility of the civil war? We will look at Mars as the natural significator of war and disputes and the seventh house and its ruler as the accidental significator of the disputes and enmity. Here, Mars is in the sign of his detriment, where the planet's essential debility suggests extreme danger. While Mars is not in aspect with the Ascendant, we see the contra-antiscial degree conjunct the Ascendant and the antiscial degree conjunct the seventh house. The testimonies from the antiscia and contra-antiscia suggest the escalation of protests to riots or, worst, the possibility of a civil war that is harmful to the populace. Mars ruling the ninth house in the third house (and the antiscia between Venus, as the ruler of the third house and the Sun, as the ruler of the seventh house), portends the escalation conflicts may arise from misinformation; it is imperative to be careful with rumors or news as this can further fan the flame. It is also possible that entities from distant countries may fuel the discontent or uprising. The Moon's antiscia falling on Pluto in the vocal sign of Aquarius also shows the escalation of protests. On a side note, the Sun, the accidental significator of disputes, in the humane and double-bodied sign of Gemini, conjunct the warlike and explosive fixed star Betelgeuse, is another testimony of the possibility of the escalation to civil war.
After considering all those factors, I have told the querent that there could be a massive-nationwide protest that could escalate to civil war should the former contemporaries of the VP take actions against her and should there be arrest of the former president by the ICC. In addition, the horary chart shows the possibility of an impending great divide among the Filipinos.
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