[New post] Grieve in private or….we could die in numbers
Bacardi Gold posted: " by : Bacardi Gold10/july/2021 _____________________________ virtual goodbyes from faceswhose tears are flowing from afarunembraced goodbyes separated by ropesdistanced from miles away by cara selected few of chosen attendeesmade a traffic of flyin"
virtual goodbyes from faces whose tears are flowing from afar unembraced goodbyes separated by ropes distanced from miles away by car
a selected few of chosen attendees made a traffic of flying hugs and kisses in the skyway of imagining traffic lights gestures were done our virtual first and last goodbyes
we were born only to die dying is our final place to hide but it is so painful to be lost today to be grabbed by the virus and taken away
bye-bye to our loved ones, adios wherever you might be, in heaven or hell catch our sweet kisses in the sky God knows we've said our last goodbyes...
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