
Kyle Maurice Vinson is a resident of Colorado, United States. Here are 10 more things about him:

  1. He lives in Denver, Colorado. (a) (b)
  2. Aside from Denver, he has lived in other parts of Colorado including Aurora. (b)
  3. He has lived in different parts of Kansas, USA including Junction City and Wichita. (a) (b)
  4. He previously lived in Lytle, Texas, USA. (a)
  5. He previously lived in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA. (b)
  6. He is 5'10" tall. (c)
  7. His registered weight is 170 lbs. (c)
  8. In 2018, he was arrested in Denver, charged with second-degree assault and booked into the Denver County Jail in Denver. (c)
  9. On July 23, 2021, he, Calvin Stevenson, then 45, Anthony Sano, then 41, and Kyle Maurice Vinson, then 29, were arrested on South Parker Road in Aurora by Aurora Police Department officers Francine Martinez, then 40, and John Haubert, then 39. He, Stevenson and Sano each had an outstanding felony warrant out of Denver. Stevenson and Sano ran away while Haubert beat him with a duty pistol, choked him and threatened to kill him even though he never attempted to hurt or threaten the officers. While being taken into custody, he was taken to The Medical Center of Aurora for the injuries he sustained from Haubert's attack. (d)
  10. He was 29 years old when he was violently arrested by Haubert on July 23, 2021. (d)



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