NHK World Japan

Countries in Southeast Asia are seeing their worst outbreaks of coronavirus infections with the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant.

Indonesia logged the region's highest surge, with daily cases reaching 30,000 to 50,000. The daily death count continues to exceed 1,500. On Wednesday, total deaths surpassed 100,000.

In Thailand, daily infections crossed the 20,000 mark for the first time this month. Strict curbs including a curfew have been imposed in the capital Bangkok and surrounding areas.

The virus is also rampant in Vietnam, which had been keeping infections under control. The country has confirmed more than 7,000 new cases daily since mid-July.

The regional spread of the pandemic is attributed to the highly contagious Delta variant, as well as fragile medical systems. Experts say healthcare facilities in Indonesia and Vietnam are already overwhelmed, with many seriously-ill patients left unattended.

Low vaccination rates are also a big factor. The website "Our World in Data", operated by researchers at Britain's Oxford University and others, reported as of Wednesday the percentage of fully vaccinated people was 8.0 in Indonesia, 5.9 in Thailand and 0.8 in Vietnam.

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