Bro. Dario Tupas, C.Ss.R | Province of Cebu

It was December of 2017 when my postulancy formator asked me about my initial decision if I will continue in the novitiate, but I told him, "Father, I do not know". One month before that colloquium we had our retreat in Ilo-Ilo who was facilitated by Ate Cynthia. Her invitation was, "every time you experience traffic, remember to slow down".

Yes slowing down is a very important reminder in our gospel today. Jesus confronted the large crowds and wants to make a very strong point. Considering the context of what just happened before the gathering of large crowds to see Jesus perform great miracles. Jesus is very clear, he desires out of pure love and for the will of His father, that everyone have the fullness of truth. But the Pharisees failed to use and to recognize Jesus the Messiah right in front of them because of their envy, pride, and selfishness. Jesus cares so deeply that is why He is very willing to speak out in truth at the risk of losing immediate approval.

Brothers, slowing down is a very important part of our day to feel our emotions, to experience life, and describe what is happening within us.  But this path is not easy, for most of the time, we resort to justifications. Like in the community, we have this experience that we are in a hurry to clean our assigned area for we still have much paperwork to submit. I too have confronted this reality, at times I have the luxury of time but I spent it browsing social media. The luxury of time and making excuses end up in overwhelming situations.

This realization is Jesus' invitation in our daily life not to lose sight of our vocation. To be aware of God's presence takes constant communication with Him like in our daily participation of the Eucharist. The demands in studies sometimes challenged us in our formation and we have heard different perspectives during our community meeting. However, Jesus invites us today to slow down in how we face discomforting situations. Perhaps we might fall into the pit of Pharisaic righteousness of their knowledge of the law but are mislead and ill-treated others. Our faith in God is not based merely on knowledge but in our experiences. Such faith opens our hearts to channel our emotions and actions to do things well.

Taking time to slow down in our dynamics enables us to see how God manifests himself with the people in our lives.

This is profoundly exemplified by St. Gerard Majella whose being a Redemptorist can be summed up in his unique attitude of the love of God and his neighbor.  His faithfulness to God's commandment is expressed in his love and service to the community.

Lastly, I know that in the days to come there will be traffic due to the demands in our academics as we move towards the end of the semester. May we take time to slow down to encounter and to experience our loving and faithful God in our daily life. Amen.

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