The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas condemns the wanton fascist terrorism by the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police that are conducting combat operations and psychological warfare in Northern Samar. These include cases of indiscriminate bombing, strafing, arbitrary detention and threats of widespread bombing, that cause harm and aim to intimidate and terrorize the peasant masses.

Since July, troops of the 43rd Infantry Battalion and the PNP-Special Action Force have been conducting sustained and intensified combat operations in the first district of Northern Samar. Fascist troops equivalent to at least two battalions were mobilized to conduct operations in Catarman, Bobon, San Isidro, Lope de Vega, Victoria and nearby Oquendo District, Calbayog City, Western Samar. Since the first week of October, combat operations continue in Catarman, Bobon, San Isidro, and Calbayog City. Troops conducting Retooled Community Support Program operations have also been occupying barrios to impose martial law conditions in the communities.

The worst case of fascist terrorism was the indiscriminate bombing of farmlands in Bobon last September 15-16, where two 105mm howitzers fired at least 11 rounds and two Sikorsky helicopters fired an undetermined number of rockets. Residents from Barangay Himaraganan, Bobon were forced to evacuate. A pregnant woman died after suffering a miscarriage and psychological trauma due to the bombing.

In the second district of the province, particular in Las Navas and Catubig, at least two cases of indiscriminate strafing of ordinary peasants were recorded last October. Last September 16, farmlands in Las Navas were indiscriminately bombed and strafed by a fighter jet and attack helicopters. Residents from at least 10 barangays were terrorized into avoiding tending to their farms and had their livelihood destroyed. Prior to the bombing, officials of the 803rd Infantry Brigade threatened to indiscriminately bomb Las Navas "just as they did in Marawi," because the town allegedly continues to be a stalwart of the NPA.

The NDF-EV condemns the Duterte regime for conducting the intensified brutal, ceaseless, and costly military operations that indiscriminately target civilians. Duterte's fascist goons in the AFP-PNP have clearly imbibed their commander's doctrine that makes no distinction between combatants and civilians, shows contempt for basic human rights and international humanitarian law, and gives priority on raining bombs and bullets upon the people instead of aid and employment in the middle of an ever worsening economic crisis.

The NDF-EV gives the highest salute to the people of Northern Samar for courageously facing the AFP-PNP and the Duterte regime's fascist terrorism. Despite the sustained and intensified attacks, the peasant masses continue to expose and condemn the abuses of the fascist regime. Revolutionary mass organizations along with the NPA have pursued their revolutionary tasks, launched tactical offensives, and persevered in waging different forms of struggle to overcome the enemy's fascist onslaught.

The NDF-EV calls on all units of the NPA in Northern Samar and throughout the region to intensify further their tactical offensives and make the fascist troops of the Duterte regime pay for their fascist terrorism and grave crimes against the people. They must make them bleed from a thousand cuts, make sure to hamper their operations, and prevent them from wreaking havoc in the communities.

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